Monday, August 31, 2009

We Begin

The first day of fifth grade, Simon carries the books I've put out on the table onto a day-bed in our spare room, arranges the pillows, and pulls a blanket over his legs. There is a horizontal element to homeschooling, at least in our house, at least for now, before Simon decides he is too old to cuddle with his mother and read.

“One question, Mom.” He holds up his index finger and stares at me, all serious.

“What's the one question?”

“You're gonna read to me, right? You HAVE to! This book is SO FAT.”

For a textbook I've chosen The American Story: 100 True Tales from American History by Jennifer Armstrong. I agree to read it out loud, knowing it has an eight's grade reading level, chock-full of figurative language. I know I will spend the year helping him tease apart the meaning of words, metaphors and similes.

I explain to Simon that if I do him the enormous favor of reading The American Story, then Simon must read to me about all the presidents.

“Stinkernoodle Simon--deal? You know, I'm not your ancilla,” I say—Simon knows ancilla means slave girl in Latin. “We have to share. Fair is fair.” “One president, one book a week—deal?”

I've secured an almost complete set of Getting to Know the U.S. Presidents by Mike Venezia from e-bay, library editions no less. They're all at the fifth grade reading level. They contain plenty of text but also pictures and cartoons.

Simon flips through the one on George Washington, stopping to read all the comics, slapping his cheeks intermittently, all absorbed, smiling wildly—he obviously thinks the comics are terrific. Then he gazes at the set of books on the shelf. Finally, he looks up at me.

“One a week—no problem.”

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Reading List

100 True Tales From American History by Jennifer Armstrong.

Getting to Know the U.S. Presidents by Mike Venezia. This is a series. Also check out all of Mike Venezia's other incredible books at his web-site.

Simon loves The Story of the World, Vol. I- IV, by Susan Wise Bauer. He listens to the audiobooks for many hours every day. They play in the background while he fiddles with Legos or does math.

Together with Toni Deveson, Claudia was one of the founding members of , a net-based home-education support group for families teaching a secular curriculum in the Miami area. Claudia remains a very active participant. The group is inclusive, welcoming families of all faiths—or lack thereof, and all life-styles. The Examined Life runs a small enrichment co-op for children in grades 4-6. This year, the co-op is covering biology, art appreciation (nine painters), music appreciation (seven composers), history—the Renaissance and beyond, and Latin. All the portfolio-ready materials that Claudia and Toni have developed themselves are available for free at , including a comprehensive 36-week enrichment curriculum for the above named topics, as well as the American history project covered in this blog. The website also has a bookstore that carries all the books necessary to teach the curriculum.